The rapid pace of advancements in AI technology is truly stunning. Anyone expecting the interest in—or possibly the obsession with—the various iterations and implementations of of generative AI (GenAI) to die down placed a bet on the wrong team.
Whether the goal is to speed office tasks or impress customers with chatbots, today’s businesses are increasingly eager to deploy AI applications.
The large language model (LLM) ecosystem continues to grow at a remarkable pace, with new models – or fine-tunes of existing ones – arriving daily. sees the artificial intelligence competition between China and the United States as a global spring and not a race toward a future where AI is used to drive positive change, according to a co-founder of the US low-code AI platform.
In this era of relentless innovation, there’s an undeniable ‘rat race’ in the development of AI, fuelled by the pressing need to stay ahead in the technological frontier.
In the AI era, specifically the era of GenAI, the conversation has shifted from eagerness to concern, with many leaders expressing a need for regulation in the sector.
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In the latest podcast series, Priya Dialani into an insightful conversation with Brian Sathianathan, Co-Founder at
Using a chatbot in a reality competition is an interesting experiment on how people can or cannot detect AI online.