We’ve built a team of the sharpest minds in tech, business and entrepreneurship and combined them with unique and powerful proprietary tools. Together, Iterate infuses intelligent strategy, cutting edge tech and entrepreneurial thinking into large enterprises, launching them miles ahead of the competition. We get innovation done.
<p>So you’ve had that a-ha idea. You recruited the team, built and tested the tech. Maybe you even landed investment dollars. You’re going to change the world. You just need to prove it. <br></p>
<p>And that means getting the attention of the right customer and actually signing a contract and starting a trial … It could take months. Years, even. How do you even begin?
Iterate's New Software Lets You Bundle Tech APIs on Your Site ... Fast & Easy
Iterate.ai launched a new groundbreaking Microservice platform called Interplay™ that lets enterprise customers for the first time rapidly deploy proof-of-concept prototypes and experiments.
Increasingly’s Deep Neural Networks, AI Deliver Smart Product Bundles for Online Retailers
Bricks and mortar retail stores are king when it comes to the cross-sell. A store could show off the summer display of tents and camp chairs at the end of the aisle, hang the large yellow “2 for 1” sign above the stack of stainless steel coffee mugs and instruct the salesperson to tout the comfy camping mattresses around the corner.
When it comes to online stores, that kind of cross sell bundling is pretty dismal. This fact didn’t go unnoticed by technologists and serial entrepreneurs Sri Sharma and Satish Jayakumar.
BlueRoo Delivers Voice Tech for Tomorrow’s Purchases
Alexa, Google Home and Siri changed everything. In the next decade, the vast majority of shopping purchases will be made by voice. In fact, already 37% of millennials say they always or usually shop by voice. Amazon is charting that course, pouring billions into AI and hire thousands of AI employes.
Buying with Pictures: Philly-based Slyce.it Builds Visual Search for Retailers
Photos of products is the most popular things people do with their phones inside stores, even more popular than checking product reviews and comparison shopping, according to research by ComScore. That, Mann believed, was a huge opportunity for retailers.
Can we push the boundaries of technology, computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence to create a physical store where consumers can purchase what they want with no queues and checkout lines, and with a few steps and complications possible?